Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 09 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone You are at the helm

        When we notice, in the sea, a boat sailing away, what is the first thing that comes into our minds?

        By supposition, we might say it is a boat drifting out, with no strong hands to conduct the helm.

        However, when the helmsman takes his place, he defines the route the boat will take.

        That is what happens with the boat of our existence too.

        If we let the winds and storms define the routes we should take, we will surely have unpleasant surprises.

        If, on the contrary, we keep the helm secure and conduct the boat following the compass of reason and of noble feelings, we will certainly reach a safe harbour.

        There are people who sail in the seas of existence without worrying about which direction they are taking. They are easily pushed by the winds of greed, of excessive ambition, of false pleasures, of vanity without limits.

        When they feel they have lost direction, they despair and rebel against God and everybody else, trying to justify their lack of care and providence.

        There are the ones who believe themselves too weak to conduct the helm and let the boat float into the dark mist of depression, of melancholy, of despair and, in the end, they fall into the abyss of suicide.

        These ones eventually will have to emerge, enduring the pain of serious wounds caused by the unfortunate and inconsequent fall.

        There are also the ones who wish to arrive at their destination too fast. They go over other sailors, destroying their boats and not worrying about what is going to happen to them.

        They burn their health, act perfidiously to reach the best position available, and pawn their dignity for a place of prominence. Those ones do not get far without damages.

        On the other hand, in this big sea of life, there are also wise and foresighted navigators who carry on carefully and with perseverance. The boat of their existence will never drift away.

        They resist bravely to the worst storms and do not let themselves be taken away by the strong winds of despair.

        They know that each one of us must conduct our own boat and at the same time help others.

* * *

        You are at the helm.

        You, and only you, can conduct your boat.

        Your actions belong to you, your viciousness, your virtues…

        The boat of your life will follow the route you draw.

        Never forget that your happiness awaits you at a harbour of light that was destined to you by the biggest helmsman of all souls, the Creator of the universe.

Spiritist Moment Team.
March 13 2008.

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