Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 04 de Maio de 2024
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ícone God is not in a hurry

        Have you ever realized that God is never in a hurry?

        Haste is one of the worst aspects of modern times. It seems like Humanity is trying to accelerate events in a very short period.

        The education of our children is not different.

        When our five-years-old son acts in a childish way, we say: Why don’t you behave like a little man?

        Any sensible person would realize that he is not a little man. However, we want him to act as an adult, not because it is good for him, but because it is convenient to us. We might even not find it correct, but we are just too impatient.

        We are taking something away from our kids when we make them go through infancy in a hurry. We are stealing something from ourselves as well, as we are missing the opportunity to be influenced by their innocence, their spontaneous curiosity, their natural admiration, their unrestricted happiness.

        For many times our impatience stops the development of intelligent children and souls because we forget that the assimilation of kindness is a slow process.

        Once a father asked the Director of a University if the Scholar Curriculum could be simplified so that his son could take a shortcut.

        Certainly, answered the educator. It all depends on what you would like to do with your son’s future. When God wants an oak tree to be made, it takes a hundred years, but when He wants a pumpkin to be made, it takes only three months.

        We often forget that the gear of our lives is connected with the gears of the Creator. Therefore, as the teeth of God’s gears are stronger than ours, whenever we accelerate more than God does, our gear brakes down. That is why we get tired and break down.

        Nature offers us many indications on how our fast rhythm is not normal.

        Getting out of overcrowded places, and running away from timetables help us meet nature. We absorb some of nature’s serenity and calmness, when we walk through trees that grow slowly and silent mountains that always seem peaceful.

        However, we should not misunderstand patience and passivity and wait for everything to be done for us. Patience is the determination to start using our time to do useful things.

        The best way to illustrate this is the story of the young girl who came to her mother just after an old lady left their house and said: If I could be a nice and kind old lady like her, I would not mind getting old.

        Well, said the mother, if you want to get old like her, you should start now, because she did not get there in just one day.

        Think about it!

        The sun takes all the necessary time to rise and to set. It is not possible to make it go faster.

        The ice in the lake will only melt when the temperature is appropriate.

        The migratory birds will arrive and leave again only when they are ready for it.

        Even if we believe to have complete control over inventions, they only arrive at the right time, when the opportunity seems to be there and when society seems to be ready to absorb it.

        Once more, the Master of Nazareth was right when He said: First the herb, after the kernel, and at last, the full grain in the kernel.

        He meant that everything comes at the right time, without haste or desperation.

        Let us think about it!

Spiritist Moment Team, based on an article
from Reader’s Digest, February 1957.

May 12 2008.

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