Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 02 de Maio de 2024
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ícone The flesh is weak

        When a person looks for excuses to justify his or her weaknesses, it is common to hear the sentence the flesh is weak.

        The one to blame, therefore, is the flesh, that is the physical body.

        Such matter deserves deeper reflections.

        Hahnemann, the German doctor who created H omeopathic M edicine, affirmed that: The body does not give cholera to the ones that do not have it, in the same way as it does not give any other type of vice. All virtues and all vice come from the Spirit. Otherwise, where would stand merits and responsibilities?

        This sure is a clever consideration, as it holds big truths.

        To blame our body for our weaknesses would be like blaming the clothes we are wearing for having an outburst of fury.

        When the mouth of a glutton fills up with saliva when a tasty dish is put in front of him or her, it isn’t the food that excites the sense of taste, as the food is not even in contact with the person’s mouth.

        It is the Spirit and its awaken sensibility that act over the organ through the mind.

        If a sensitive person is easily in tears, it is not the abundance of tears that gives the sensibility to the Spirit, but it is precisely the sensibility of the Spirit that provokes the abundant discharging of tears.

        In the same way, a man is not a musician because his body is inclined to music, but because his Spirit is musicist.

        As we can see, the action of the Spirit over the physical body is so evident that a violent moral commotion can provoke organic disorders.

        When we are frightened, for example, we may start sweating, trembling, and even diarrhoea can happen.

        Some other times, a fit of temper can provoke headaches, heart palpitation, and even leave body bruises.

        When talking about the disposition for laziness, sensuality, violence, corruption, they also cannot be blamed on the flesh, as they are tendencies from an immortal Spirit.

        If such was the case, it would be too easy, as we would not have any responsibilities over our actions, as all the body mistakes and fragilities would disappear along with its burying.

        All the moral responsibilities from the actions we take are from the eternal Spirit, and it could not be any way other than that.

        Thus, the more educated the Spirit, the less forgivable are its mistakes, as the notions of good and evil are born along with intelligence and moral sense, as well as the sense of what is fair and what is not.

* * *

        All of us, with no exception, have the divine spark in our intimacy, the strength to stop our negative impulses and make vibrate the noble emotions the Creator deposited in us.

        With small efforts, we can conquer the true freedom, the supremacy of the Spirit over the body. Only then we will understand what Jesus meant when He said: Thou are gods, thou can do what I do and much more.

Spiritist Moment Team based on chapter  VII  from the book Heaven and hell
by Allan Kardec, publishing house:
June 30 2008

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