Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 17 de Maio de 2024
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ícone The will

        Have you written your will yet? Have you decided who is going to inherit your possessions when death comes to take your physical life?

        Have you ever considered how many problems can be avoided if everything you own is divided by yourself while you still have full mental awareness and health blesses your days?

        When you do think about the division of your assets, choosing your heirs, think about everything you can pass on to your children, starting today.

        Before death steals your physical presence from your home where your children grow healthy, before your loving eyes, meditate about the imperishable values you can offer them.

        Think about honesty. Have you already taught your child to be honest?

        And being honest does not mean simply not taking something that does not belong to you. It means so much more.

        Talking to your children, encourage them to be honest in every circumstance – not cheating on exams; not lying, even if just to win a soccer game with friends; telling the whole truth even if they get in trouble for that, and not to distort the truth, even if just a little, so that it does not sound so bad or to protect themselves.

        Since the best way to teach is by examples, do not forget to exemplify, always, with your own conduct.

        What about courage? Have you ever demonstrated or tried to teach it to your child?

        Courage is the boldness to try to do good things, difficult as they may be. It is the strength not to do what everyone else does, but to say no, hold your ground, and even positively influence someone else.

        Courage means being faithful to your own convictions and following your good impulses, even if they look foolish or inconvenient to others.

        Courage of showing your feelings, of being affectionate, of being a friend.

        Courage to do what is right, even if you are alone.

        Truthfully, these are the values that you cannot, in any way, leave in testament, especially because, when you are not in a physical body beside your children, the opportunity to teach them will be long gone.

        Thus, take advantage of the days you have with them and talk to them about respect.

        Respect for life, for their parents, their elders, nature, children and the rights of others.

        Talk to them about the great diversity of human feelings and teach them to respect all of them.

        If you commit yourself from today, to pass on true values to your children, be sure that, if you do die without having documented your last wishes, they will know what to do.

        More than that, they will act with dignity, following the lessons they were taught.

        And if you are of those who say they do not own anything of material value to leave to their children, start teaching them the lessons of good and honor so that, when you are gone, you can go with a peaceful conscience telling you your duty as a parent and educator has been properly fulfilled.

        You may not leave financial resources, but you will have left the world what it truly needs: good men and women.

*   *   *

        Your children may grow up and develop values different from your own and from those you tried to teach them.

        However, the message of your values will remain indelible on their minds. One day they will remember and use it, even if it takes many years, after they have had many errors and mistakes.

        Thus, do not let the present opportunity go by.

 Spiritist Moment Team.
July 14 2008.

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