Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 05 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone The power of appreciation

        During one of his programs, radio speaker Paul Harvey presented how a sincere appreciation can change one’s life.

        He narrated the story of a Detroit teacher who had asked for Stevie Morris’ help to search for a mouse which had got loose in the classroom.

        Truth be told, she appreciated the fact that nature had given Stevie something no other student in the classroom had.

        Nature had given Stevie a very sharp pair of ears so to compensate for his blindness.

        In fact, that was the first time someone had recognized his listening capacity.

        And that very act gave him a new life.

        From that moment on, he started to develop his listening gift, his sharp sensibility and to explore his vocal resources as well.

        With a lot of effort, and under the artistic name of Stevie Wonder, he became one of the greatest American pop singers and composers.

*   *   *

        We all need to be stimulated.

        We are full of potential inside, but just as seeds only grow if regularly watered and exposed to light, our inner forces need an incentive, a push.

        And there is nothing such as true appreciation to bloom what may be asleep within our spiritual gardens.

        Appreciation begins at home, when parents get to know their children deep inside and realize what they are capable of.

        Sometimes appreciation cannot be seen in families that favor criticism, power, and control.

        While searching to identify children’s negative tendencies so to prevent them from developing, many parents and teachers forget to notice the positive ones.

        And they sometimes do that with a noble intent. They then begin to ban every attitude which may lead to a soul imperfection and they always act severely, as if they were taking care of a delinquent held in a recovery facility.

        Severe discipline is necessary indeed, especially for those rebel Spirits who are welcomed by homes that can help them out.

        Nevertheless, when such discipline becomes frequent it may be interpreted by the child as lack of love and affection.

        Balance requires direction whenever necessary, but it also points us the way to appreciation and stimulation for positive things.

        Reinforcing positive things will always appear more than neglecting the negative ones.

        How sure are we that a severe act is the best thing to do in some emergency situations?

        What if those rebel Spirits are just waiting for someone to help them find out the good things they have inside?

        What if they are expecting for the love of a father, a mother or a teacher so to stimulate a positive behavior which they already carry within?

        Almost every parent reprehends a son when the so-called red grades show up in evaluations, but how many parents celebrate and give compliments to their kids when grades are high, when they have done a good job?

        Almost everybody criticizes lack of studying and dedication, however how many parents recognize their children’s efforts and self-victory even though the world has not given them the proper recognition?

        Let us find out the power of correct and good sensed appreciation, and let us vision the blooming of the world souls, showing the best that they have.

Spiritist Moment Team based on chapter
O grande segredo de tratar com as pessoas,
from the book Como fazer amigos e influenciar pessoas,
by Dale Carnegie, Publishing House Nacional.

December 26.2008.


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