Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 03 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Stop and listen

How is your ability to listen to other people? Do you have the patience to stop and listen to someone? Here are some important reflections about this theme:

*   *   *

Millie Esposito listened attentively when one of her children had something to tell her.

One night she was sitting in the kitchen with her son Robert and, after a quick discussion about an idea he had, he said:

Mom, I know you like me very much.

Mrs. Esposito was touched and said: Naturally I like you very much. Did you ever doubt that?

Robert answered: No, but I know that you really like me when I want to talk about something and you stop what you are doing just to listen to me.

*   *  

How many of us stop to listen to our children?

How many of us stop to listen to someone else with respectful attention to the other ?

And who doesn't like to be heard, or listened to?

To talk to someone who listens with attention, who waits for us to conclude our idea before expressing their opinion, is a great pleasure.

People who only talk about themselves, who only think of themselves, are irreparably rude.

On the other hand, those who know how to listen, are charming, inspire love and full confidence.

A man, who knew the famous Sigmund Freud, described his way of listening in the following way:

I was so strongly impressed that I shall never forget him. He had qualities I have never found in any man.

Never in my entire life have I seen such focused attention. His eyes were tender and soft. His voice was calm and smooth.

He had few gestures, but the attention bestowed his positive comments about what I was saying, even when I did not express myself very well, were extraordinary.

You cannot imagine the significance to be listened to in that way.

*   *   *

Those who know how to listen help without saying anything.

Thus, if we wish to be good talkers, good friends and good counselors, we should be attentive listeners.

To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions the other person will be glad to answer. And take to opportunity to learn too.

Giving attention, giving your attentive ear, surely you will be gaining experience, knowledge and perception, besides the other person's gratitude.

Lack of time can never be an excuse to not listen. If we are disciplined and organized we will discover we have plenty of time to listen.

To listen is to give yourself to someone else, therefore, claiming lack of time to give yourself, to practice this aspect of charity, is to condemn yourself to spiritual stagnation.

Such gesture of love can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, financial status or education level. We can all give ourselves by listening.

*   *   *

Jesus, the great example for Humanity, was an excellent listener.

If we pay attention to the Gospels, analyzing them by this side, we will realize that He always put Himself as a good listener.

He listened with patience and tenderness to all of those who came close to Him asking for aid and comfort.

He never interrupted anyone and always laid on them the kind and loving eyes of the one who takes an interest for someone else's life.

 Spiritist Moment Team, based on chapter 4, part 2, from the book
Como fazer amigos e influenciar pessoas, by Dale Carneggie,
publishing house: Companhia Nacional.
January 26.2009.

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