Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 09 de Maio de 2024
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ícone With God I lay down and with God I wake up


An interesting expression is found in an old prayer taught to children to be said before going  to sleep:

With God I lay down and with God I wake up.

Here are some important thoughts about it:

With God I lay down...

What an important thought for someone getting ready to sleep!

When you fall asleep, you enter the universe of sleep and dreams. No one can guarantee the quality of this state, therefore harmonizing with God is fundamental.

Everyone of us detaches the physical body and makes contact with various spiritual entities during our sleep.

Some are friends, some are enemies, and many are partners from a past reincarnation.

Due to this, the good habit of praying before going to sleep cannot be emphasized enough. By doing it, you give your mind, thoughts and feelings to the hands of the Creator.

When you fall asleep, you have no idea of who you will meet.

This helps us understand those good dreams, full of happiness. These are such good dreams that people even say that they do not want to wake up from them.

On the other hand, there are nightmares, which are the result of the anguishing and disturbing contact with enemies from various levels.

To go to sleep with God is therefore the right attitude if you want to protect yourself against such threats.

With God I wake up...

This refers to the act of waking up after a night's sleep.

It is critical to learn to wake up with God, considering that we live in a world where people wish to wake up accepting the possibility of God's unimportance.

How many people who have fallen into deep problems pray for divine providence to help them overcome their difficulties?

Anonymous and friendly hands, benevolent people, social workers, all these good souls represent the presence of God next to our suffering brothers and sisters.

All this support aims to helping those in trouble to recover and recover with God.

How many experiment financial problems, going into deep debts, losing their hopes, despite their honesty and awareness of their own duties?

These troubled colleagues hope for help from friends and banks to allow them to breath.

In this way, they would be freed from the suffocating situation in which they find themselves, and would be allowed to recover with God.

Regardless of the type of the human fall, material or moral, the chance of recovering with God's help and with support from the Superior World, will always be the best way to recover in this planet.

*   *   *

Praying is one of the best ways to put ourselves in tune with our spiritual friends.

Here is a good habit: to constantly talk, wherever we are, with our Protector Spirit, or with the friendly Spirits that follow us daily.

Keeping our connection with the good Spirits, through elevated, happy and thankful thoughts, will allow us to listen to their inspirations and to use it for our own good.

Let us take advantage of this fabulous resource: the prayer, and let us be surprised with the results achieved.

Spiritist Moment Team, based on the chapter Levanta-te com Deus, of the book Em nome de Deus,
by Spirit José Lopes Neto, psychographed  by Raul Teixeira, Publishing House Fráter.
March 09.2009.

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