Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 03 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Intimate heaven and hell

Once upon a time there was a great and strong samurai known for his violent temper. He went looking for a wise monk who could give him answers to his questions.

“Monk”, said the samurai with a sincere wish to learn, “teach me about heaven and hell.”

The monk was a man of small stature and weak body. He looked at the brave warrior and, simulating a scornful look, said:

“I could not teach you anything, you are filthy. Your stench is unbearable. Moreover, the blade of your sword is rusty. You are a disgrace to your class.”

The samurai got angry. Blood rushed to his face and he could not say anything, for his wrath was too overwhelming.

He raised his sword and got ready to decapitate the old monk.

“This is where hell starts”, said the wise man gently.

The samurai could not move. The knowledge of the old man impressed him.

After all, he had risked his own life to teach a lesson about hell.

The brave warrior slowly lowered his weapon and thanked the monk for his precious teaching.

The wise man remained in silence.

Few minutes went by and the samurai, with his intimacy in peace, humbly asked for forgiveness.

Realizing his apologies were sincere, the monk said to him:

“That is where heaven starts”.

For us, this is a precious lesson about heaven and hell which we can build in our own intimacy.

Both heaven and hell are states of soul we choose in our own daily life.

Every moment we are invited to make decisions that will define the beginning of our heaven or our hell.

It is as if we all had a small invisible box with tools and first-aid kits.

In an unexpected situation, we may open this box and make use of anything inside it.

In this way, when someone offends us we can raise the hammer of wrath or use the balm of tolerance.

If insulted, we can use the ax of revenge or the bandage of self-confidence.

When injury knocks on our door, we may use the sharp tool of vengeance or the oil of forgiveness.

In case of unexpected infirmity, we could make use of the dissolvent acid of revolt or the shield of trust.

Facing the loss of a dear person to the arms of the inevitable death, we may opt for the knife of despair or the key of resignation.

In any case, surprised by many unfortunate situations, we may choose to open the abysses of incomprehension or extend the bridge of dialogue to make a happy solution possible.

The decision is only up to us.

Our intimate state depends on our own will.

Therefore, creating heaven or hell in our intimacy is something that nobody can do for us.


Think about it!


Your will is sovereign.

Your intimacy is a sanctuary to which only you hold the key.

Keeping it away from the shadows and open up to let the sun shine on it is up to you.

Think about it!


  Text written by the Spiritist Moment Team, based on a popular short story.Translated by P.H.Medeiros


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