Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 04 de Maio de 2024
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ícone God bless you, my dear!

There were times when this was a common gesture. Modern life and the distancing of God have caused it to almost disappear.

Nowadays it is rare to find families that have kept this custom alive. However, one can still find it in small distant places, where simple life and faith in God still exist.

In the past, this was a custom in numerous families.

When kids woke up in the morning, were getting ready to go to bed, or when they greeted visitors,  they would extend their hands towards their parents, grandparents, uncles or aunts, godparents and would say:

May I have your blessing, daddy!

May I have your blessing, grandma!

May I have your blessing, godmother!

And they would respond holding the little hands between theirs:

God bless you, my dear!

Surely, with time this habit became an automatic gesture, that is, often it was repeated as a habit without emotional significance.

Nevertheless, the simple mention of God's name and his blessing in this sentence had a value in itself.

It usually happened during a nice game or other play: the child would almost breathlessly run towards someone just arriving and say:

May I have your blessing, uncle!

And then received the affection of giant hands around his.

One can imagine the positive effect of a parent, strongly missing his child, saying with all sweetness:

God bless you, my dear!

God is not present in our lives and homes as much as He should be.

How much resentment or anger could be avoided if God was present.

How much easier would it be to deal with children saying sentences like God bless you.

The reason is that words carry the vibrations of those who pronounce them. These vibrations positively affect those towards whom they are directed at.

One can imagine loving parents saying God bless you, how much of a blessing they are sending.

God bless you, so easy to say, yet so rarely said.

God's blessings: often forgotten, yet easily within our reach.

*   *   *

You, a parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt, godparent, who love this small child whose birth you have seen, whose development you are witnessing, and whose happiness you deeply care about, think about it!

This about it and start saying God bless you.

God keep you,

God protect you, many times.

You will notice after some time the benefits that will translate into less rebellion, less stubbornness, less anger, less selfishness, but more affection...

Try it and you will understand why God's blessings have unparalleled vibrations.

Just as the sun warms and lights the world, they will warm your child's hearth, as well as yours, and we will all feel much happier.

God bless you.

Spiritist Moment Team.
March 13.2009.

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