Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 05 de Maio de 2024
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ícone When all goes wrong

What can you do on those days when all goes wrong?

Some say: I woke up with my left foot today.

Those who say that believe one foot to be better than the other.

They forget that both feet are invaluable, as they are the base on which the whole body lays, sustained by the legs.

Anyway, during those days when all goes wrong because it started wrong, what should we do?

First, reject the idea that God is doing it on purpose against you.

Things do not go wrong because God so wishes.

Things go wrong because we, God's creation, have caused it to go wrong.

Let us see: you woke up late in the morning, whose fault is it?

It is not the alarm clock's fault.

It is your responsibility to set up the alarm clock correctly.

Therefore, there is no reason to be upset. What happens next, for the good or bad, is your decision.

You can get up quickly and run out of your room... and hit the door or a piece of furniture.

If you knew that nothing will bring back the time, you would have gotten up with enough time to do your things calmly.

When you do things in a hurry, there is a high possibility that things can go wrong.

The boiling milk overflows, you cut yourself during shaving, your shirt button falls off.

The list is endless. And God is not to blame.

Do things calmly. The car doesn't start?

Check what is wrong, if possible without getting stressed.

You missed the bus?

Remember that your anger and impatience will not cause the next bus to arrive any sooner. Just wait.

If you are late for something, let your boss or client know.

If you will miss a class or an exam, it is already too late. What help will it be to scream and get upset? Nothing will bring back the time.

The word already says it: lost.

The traffic is jammed? Do not be silly, do not break the rules of a good driver.

Always have a book or a magazine at hand and enjoy the time.

Has the rain caught you by surprise? Wait and it will pass. Everything passes and so will the rain.

To wait a little should not worry you.

Be responsible in everything you do and remember that it is in your hands whether or not things will go smoothly.

All problems will be solved, sooner or later.

Above all, remember: it is not worth wasting precious minutes of your life due to stress, anger or impatience.

God wants your happiness. Help God with his plan.

*  *  *

Everything in the Universe reveals harmony and precision. The planets follow their orbits in their own paths.

The planets rotate, the stars send their light in space. All movements follow the Divine plan.

Let us not be different. Let us create harmony.

Let us help our own happiness.

And let us think each day: Today things will go well. Perfectly well.

I will do my best for things to go well.

Spiritist Moment Team.
March 13.2009.

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