Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 09 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Young people and young peolpe

Youth and young people in general are constant news nowadays.

You hear about young teenagers that get pregnant prematurely...

About young people lost in drugs...

About adolescents that set fire in native Indians and beggars...

About crazy youngsters who kill themselves in violent accidents that happen during illegal car races.

When we become aware of these things, we get stunned with all the nonsense and try to imagine what is going to be of the world, if our youngsters are that misguided.

However, the interested eyes and ears will notice the timid news of young people who dedicate themselves passionately to the general well being.

They are young scientists honoured because of their keen efforts towards a better quality of life for anonymous ill people...

Young people who give themselves with body and soul to the arts, exalting what is good and beautiful.

With ability, they extract melodic sounds from keyboards...

They sing, dance, and do acrobatics with such grace in sport courts...

Healthy young people who dedicate their time to bring moments of joy to elderly and ill people enclosed in homes for old people...

Teenagers that feel shocked with the misery of others and make efforts to diminish their anguish...

Many young people are the main providers in their families. They work under the hot sun in the fields, watering with their own sweat the generous earth from where they get their maintenance...

There are young doctors that, with skillfull hands, make surgeries extracting tumours from bodies, being careful not to drain the hearts of the desperate patients.

Youngsters that, even when conquering fame, do not consent or promote products that stimulate vice or sexual appeal disorders.

Young people who speak of Christ and try to live under His teachings...

As we can see, there are all kinds of young people...

If goodness was more divulgated, it certainly would be more imitated and maybe adopted as a posture by many insecure youngsters, who end up choosing to follow the majority, or what they believe the majority is.

Therefore, we can be certain that young people are not lost and that the future is already happening today, with a healthy and enthusiastic juvenile power, capable of putting down the rotten structures of the society where they live and giving strength to healthy habits.

*   *   *

To be young is to be kept away from the negative aspects of the past. To be young is not to get contaminated by the bad habits of society.

To be young is to live with enthusiasm, disseminating happiness and discernment.

Youth is the spring of life, and a youngster without enthusiasm is like a flower without perfume, that tends to be thrown to the ground by the first winds of winter.

Therefore, a young person, in order to be happy must put the solidarity, fraternity and true freedom flag up high, showing the peace of a serene mind.

Spiritist Moment Team.
May 04.2009.

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