Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 04 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone God in my backyard

Some keep the Sabbath going to church

I keep it staying at home, 

With a bobolink for a chorister,

And an orchard for a dome. 


Some keep the Sabbath in surplice

I just wear my wings, 

And instead of tolling the bell for church, 

Our little sexton sings. 


God preaches,-a noted clergyman,- 

And the sermon is never long;

So instead of getting to heaven at last, 

I 'm going all along!


Emily Dickinson, the author of this poem, surrounds with simple beauty a very profound and important idea regarding our devotion to God.

Is there a specific place to worship God? Is there a specific time, an adequate position, forms or garment?

Let us study Jesus' very clear fundamental orientation: God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

The Spirit has no shape, He is neither a body nor matter.

Therefore, what the Master means by saying to love Him in Spirit is that worship must be internal and does not require external manifestations.

Worship should always be from Spirit to Spirit, from our soul to the Creator, regardless of where we are, regardless of the external forms.

One must consider the deep-seated human beliefs that brought many habits of external rituals involving contact with God.

Nevertheless, the mature and wise souls, knowing the truth, the same truth that Christ talks about in this passage, need to change their habits gradually.

God's worship in Spirit opens numerous and incomparable possibilities for us.

Regardless of the religion we belong to, regardless of the place, regardless of the words, we can communicate with Him.

When the thought is high, when one is surrounded by good, by charity, by poetry, one is in contact with the Creator.

When we admire nature in the backyard and we realize the greatness of Creation and feel part of something great and wonderful, we're worshipping our Creator.

When we follow God's commandments inscribed in our consciousness, we put ourselves in communion with Him.

Positive mental tune is enough. Joy of Life is enough. Thankfulness for our existence, for the loved ones is enough. So then we are in contact with God.

Worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth is knowing happiness as we walk; it is waking up to the real everyday life.

Think about this.

*   *   *

Allan Kardec, in the third part of The book of the Spirits talks about the worshipping law.

In question 654 he asks: Does God give preference to those who adore Him in a specific way?

And the Spirits respond: God prefers those who worship Him truly and sincerely with their hearts, doing good and avoiding bad (...).

Spiritist Moment Team based on item 654 of The book of the Spirits,
by Allan Kardec, publishing house: Feb, and verses from the American
poet Emily Dickinson, from the book Complete poems,
 publishing house: BackBay Books.
September 21.2009.

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