Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 04 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Scars in the heart

Have you ever felt the pain caused by hitting the corner of a table, or a bed, or any other piece of furniture?

Yes, that kind of hit with a pain that almost makes you faint and that leaves a hematoma on your body.

First, the bruise is reddish and then it becomes purplish, until it entirely disappears.

Usually, the place you hit gets sore and you feel a certain degree of discomfort whenever you touch it.

The bruise remains for a little while, depending on the reaction of your body.

Now just imagine if, by accident, you ever hit the same place again.

The pain is much too stronger and the color of the bruise becomes even more intense.

If this ever happen again and again, the condition could be aggravated to the point that the wound would turn into a more serious problem.

Something similar happens with resentment, but the bruise is made in the heart and it is caused by an emotional injury.

At first, the mark is only superficial but it can grow deeper and deeper if there is resentment remaining for a long time.

To resent means to feel once again and feel it again and again for many times.

That is why resentment deepens the bruise left in your heart.

Just like the bruises in the body, repeatedly at the same place, resentment can also cause serious problems to those who allow it to fester.

If a bruise lasted for months or years in our bodies, the possibilities of it becoming a cancer would be high.

This also happens with a resentment buried in our souls for a long time.

Every time we remember what caused that bruise in our hearts and we allow ourselves to feel again the sting of pain in our souls, resentment will deepen and deepen.

Besides the possibilities of causing malignant tumors, resentment can generate other disturbances in the emotions of those who allow it to dwell in their hearts.

Because of all this, it is worth pondering about this harmful behavior that has victimized so many.

Like a corrosive agent, resentment undermines joy, enthusiasm, and hope, leaving space for bitterness to take over.

Silently, bitterness compromises the health of those who allow it to remain and it starts fomenting hate, grudge, antagonism and antipathy.

Frequently, resentment is disguised as self-esteem so that the one carrying this feeling allow it to remain in his intimacy.

As time goes by, resentment turns into a terrible torturer, and its power grows much stronger for those who carry it than their will to eliminate it.

Sometimes imperceptibly, buried resentment reveals itself as a little revenge here, a little betrayal there, and some cruelty somewhere else.

And fall after fall resentful people lower themselves deeper and deeper till the bottom of the pit without measuring the consequences of their actions.

To prevent this from happening to us it is necessary to take some basic precautions.

First, we need to protect our emotions by fortifying the network of noble feelings and do not allowing resentment to permeate them.

Second, whenever resentment happens, it is necessary to treat it immediately, before it grows deeper.

Third, using the rake of reason we should clean and deplete the slime of bitterness, which provides a favorable environment for resentment to install.

It is important to treat this resentment on edge, which leaves us extremely vulnerable to those unwanted bruises in our hearts, turning us into bitter and unhappy people.

*   *   *

Giving shelter for hate, sorrow or grudge in the heart is the same as drinking poison willing to kill our assaulter.

Think about it, and do not allow these toxic feelings to settle in your heart. 

Spiritist Moment Team.
October 26.2009

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