Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 09 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone The Winner over death

Men crucified Jesus. Envy and evil brought about the trap that killed the Man thinking to have killed the Ideal that He was carrying.

The gratitude of a woman wiped His face on the way to the Calvary.

A sincere friend, forgetting his own safety, rescued His body from the authorities.

Down from the cross, His body was hastily wrapped in linen cloth and deposited in the never-used tomb that belonged to a friend.

Pious women, on a Sunday of light, went to the tomb with proper preparation to honor His body.

They found the stone removed and the tomb empty.

Two young men in radiant robes told them that the Lord was not there anymore.

The sheet lay at the site where the body had been laid. The cloth that had covered Jesus' head was folded carefully.

After that, He was made known by the woman of Magdala who sought for Him with distress. And He told her to give the good news to others: He was alive.

Apostles, who were going to the town of Emmaus, distant eleven kilometers from Jerusalem, met and continued the journey with Him. They did not recognize Him at first, but became enchanted with His interpretation of the scriptures.

By late afternoon, upon arrival in Emmaus, they invite Him for supper and when He blesses the bread and breaks it into pieces they realize that He is Jesus, the Lord.

In Jerusalem, He allows the incredulous apostle to touch Him, showing him His wounds.

For forty days, He remains with the Apostles and followers. He eats with them, protects them at the beach and grills some fish.

He lives! Lord of the Spirits! Lord of Immortality!

On the road to Damascus He rescues one of the Rabbis from the great Gamaliel School, bringing him to His ranks.

On the way to Appian, He talks with Simon Peter, who had just left prison in Rome.

Full of light, He directs his steps towards the capital of the Roman Empire, saying that He is going towards the suffering hearts that were facing imprisonment and injustice for the sake of His name.

*  *  *

Jesus remained on the cross for some hours, surrendering His Spirit to the Father.

On the third day He rose again, proving the Immortality of the Spirit, as He had always taught.

Then He lives with friends, guides them, and makes himself visible here and there. He demonstrates that life goes on vibrantly.

His message is that life never dies.

Isn't it strange that still we often remember Him on the cross?

Few remember Him as the winner over death. Rarelly is His rise in Galilee under the gaze of five hundred disciples remembered.

*   *   *

Think about it!

The Lord Jesus left us the message of Immortality. All His teachings are about victory over the material world.

Let us meditate on it and remember His glorious encounter with Mary of Magdala and the Apostles.

Let us remember in particular that he said: I will not leave you orphans. I am the Good Shepherd.

And let us embrace hope, confident that, like Him, we will all win over death.


Spiritist Moment Team.
August 23.2010.

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