Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 07 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Guilt and apology

Have you ever wondered about what guilt represents in our lives?

There is no doubt that this feeling is responsible for a lot of our unhappiness.

When we do something that creates inner discomfort, it is quite possible that it is guilt installing itself.

What can we do so that this feeling does not take place in our hearts and does not bring us enormous bitterness?

It seems logical that the best attitude is the one that eliminates, definitively, this discomfort from our souls.

And what attitude could be more efficient than a sincere claim for excuses?

However, to ask for forgiveness means to admit we were wrong, and that touches our pride directly.

What do we usually do then?

We grow angry and look for someone to blame for the attitude our conscience disapproves.

Would it not be more coherent to ask for forgiveness?

Reasonably it would, but our pride does not allow us to do it.

What do we do then?

We prefer to punish ourselves in another way. Usually, we choose illnesses…

Our conscience blames ourselves, but instead of resolving the situation with the humbleness of an apprentice, we prefer the veiled self punishment.

Instead of apologizing, we opt for suffering. Instead of alleviating our souls admitting we are fragile and have made a mistake, we prefer to hide under a mask of a perfection we are still far from achieving.

Because we cannot admit our weaknesses to ourselves, we cannot admit it to others.  We also act with excessive strictness, making ourselves unhappy, as well as others, the ones who share their lives with us.

More sensible would be to admit we are life’s apprentices, and that as such we have not only the right to make mistakes, but also the duty of correcting ourselves to keep going ahead.

As life’s apprentices we are not exempt from making mistakes, from falling, from the fragilities which characterize our condition of imperfect learners.

Thus, it is worth acting as one who whishes to grow up, to learn, to be happy. And in behalf of that, it is necessary to know how to ask for forgiveness and how to pardon the others, it is essential to be tolerant…

Only the ones who believe themselves perfect, flawless, above good and evil, will not admit their mistakes. These people are certainly not very happy ones.

If we wish to learn to be lighter and less presumptuous, let us observe the kids. They are not ashamed of asking for forgiveness, do not feel hurt or keep rancour.

When they get hurt, they cry...they ask for help, they recognize their fragility...

If they cannot reach something, they ask for someone to fetch it for them. To understand something, they might make many questions.


When they feel afraid, they admit it. They jump in the closest lap or put their arms around his friends’ or bigger brother’s neck.

That is called humbleness. That is called purity. That is called knowledge.

That is why children learn. They are not ashamed of being life’s apprentices.


                                               *  *  *

The guilt feeling is a moral waste which punishes the soul. People who carry this burden, suffer and do not allow themselves to be happy.

Therefore, if you are the kind of person who has the pretension of being infallible, forgive yourself, ask for forgiveness, free yourself from this rubbish called guilt and keep going ahead.



Text written by Spiritist Moment Team. Translated by Huei Lin Allegretti.


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