Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 03 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone The benefits of meetings

Some people say they are religious but they reserve the right to be religious in their own way.

I don't usually go to the Church. - One says.

I don't frequent Spiritist Centers - says another, and adds: But I believe in God, I study, I read, and I make my prayers.

Regarding this matter, a churchgoer wrote to a newspaper editor, complaining that going to the Church every Sunday made no sense.

I have gone to Church for about 30 years, - he wrote - and during this time I have heard about 30 thousand sermons. But I cannot remember any of them...

Therefore, I think that I am wasting my time and the priests and preachers are wasting their time preaching sermons.

This letter initiated a great controversy to the column of letters to the editor, to the delight of the newspaper editor-in-chief.

For weeks he received and published letters about this theme. When someone wrote:

I have been married for 30 years. During this time my wife must have cooked about 32.000 meals.

However, I cannot remember the menu of none of these 32.000 meals.

But I am sure about this: every meal nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work.

If my wife had not cooked these meals for me, today I would be physically dead.

The same way, if I had not gone to church to feed my spiritual hunger, today I would be spiritually dead.

*   *   *

The man who wrote the letter that put an end to the argument about going or not to the church, used an excellent argument.

He brought to people's minds that going to the temple, no matter if it is a Church, a Synagogue, a Spiritist Center or any other religious temple, we are blessed with something very special.

First of all, we are immediately blessed by the treasure of meeting others that share the same beliefs and that live by the same moral and ethical values we do.

They are friends, fellows that embrace us, smiling, giving us their affection... that feed us.

How many times we arrive sad, a bit hopeless by the difficulties troubling us, and these friends unwind our individual psycho- sphere with their presence.

Then, the message of the day reaches us by the words spoken by the priest, the preacher, or the study coordinator, which allow growing new reflections inside of us.

Reflections that will make all the difference in our lives.

And while we are offered the agape for the intellect, the feelings, through the oral explanation, of the sermon, of the speech, we are involved by the generous spiritual blessings.


Yes, our Lord and Master is always present and involves us in light and harmony.


After all, He predicted that wherever two or more met in His name, He would be present.

And He Himself, during His time on Earth, created these blessing encounters and re-encounters, meeting with the Apostles, with friends and with those who used to look for Him, for explanations regarding the kingdom that He came to found in people's hearts.

Think about this.

Spiritist Moment Team, based on Internet text
Why go to the church?, by an unknown author.
November 03.2010.

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