Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 06 de Maio de 2024
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ícone The last beatitude

The biblical passage called Sermon on the Mount is widely known.

In this passage, Jesus announces the beatitudes.

He praises the conduct of the meek, the humble and the thirsty after righteousness, among others, claiming they are blessed.

However, Christ has announced one other blessing which is often unnoticed.

After His resurrection, He appeared to several people, but the disciple Thomas was not among them.

When he knew it, Thomas said he would believe only if he could see the signs of martyrdom in Jesus and could lay his hands on them.

The opportunity did not delay very long and the Master soon appeared to him.

After showing Himself, Jesus declared:

Because you have seen me, Thomas, you believe it. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe it.

Interestingly, this was the moment that the testimony of the Apostles would start.

The era of direct learning from the Divine Messiah was over.

However during the battles for the implementation of an ideal, things not always go splendidly.

There is usually resistance and the affected oppose the work.

To persevere in moments of difficulty, you must have faith.

Without a firm belief that the good will win in the end, it becomes easy to give up halfway.

You must believe in the achievement of the ideal before seeing it completed.

Happy is the person who has the inner strength needed to fight unabated.

Happy are those who believe in good, even when evil apparently is winning.

Those who need to see to believe, hesitate and frequently fault.

Because corruption seems to grow, you doubt the final victory of honesty.

Because the cruels are too many, you think that compassion may never win.

If good is taking too long to settle in, you believe that it is not worth fighting for it.

You can see how faith is required on a long-term project.

Without this certainty about the things you wish, the strength weakens and the fight is abandoned.

In these turbulent times, you should reflect on the firmness of your own faith.

Believe firmly in the victory of good helps never to corrupt your very essence.

Without this conviction, you might be tempted to take advantage of a situation in detriment of your own dignity.

But dignity and loyalty to your own values are extremely precious.

They provide peace of mind and allow you to walk tall in any environment.

Blessed are those who believe before seeing and therefore they have the strength to live and build the good.

Think about it.


Spiritist Moment Team, based on the chapter XXI of  the book A mensagem do amor Imortal, by the Spirit Amélia Rodrigues, psychographed by Divaldo Pereira Franco, publishing house: Leal.
November 22.2010.

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