Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 07 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Hi Jesus, it’s me, Zé

Everyday, at lunchtime, an old man went inside a church, stayed in for few moments and left. One day, the priest decided to ask him what he was doing, as the church had some valuable objects on display.

I come to pray, said the old man.

But is seems strange, said the priest, that you manage to pray so fast.

Well, said the man, I do not know how to say those long prayers. But everyday, at midday, I get inside the church and say:

"Hi Jesus, I am Zé, and I am paying you a visit."

It takes only one minute. It is only a simple prayer, but I am sure that He listens to me.

Some days after, Ze suffered an accident and had to be sent to hospital for treatment. At the hospital ward, he had great power over all the other patients.

The sad patients became happy, and in an atmosphere where before you could hear only moans, now you could hear laugh.

One day, the nurse responsible for the hospital ward said to Ze: The other patients say you are always so happy, Ze...

The patient answered promptly: It is true, sister. I am always very happy! And I tell you it is because of that everyday visit I get. It makes me truly joyful.

The sister looked at him inquiringly. She had already noticed that the chair next to Ze's bed was always empty. He was a lonely man. He had no one.

Who visits you? At what time? -  asked the sister.

Well sister, everyday, at midday, He comes and stands by my bed for a few minutes, maybe seconds... When I look at Him, He smiles and says: "Hi Ze, I am Jesus, I came to pay you a visit."

*   *   *

The story is unpretentious and its author is unknown.

However, the lesson taught makes us reflect deeply.

It talks about faith, of simplicity, of dedication and perseverance.

Who of us spend, everyday, at least some minutes to talk to Jesus?

Many of us think that a prayer can be a heap of words that come out of our mouths but have no feeling or real meaning.

How many of us have the perseverance, at the moments of pain as well as in the moments of happiness, to elevate our thoughts to Jesus, trusting our intimacy in Him, being sure that He will listen to us?

Prayer is the extended bridge that links an obsessive soul to the relief that can arrive from it.

It is the mysterious line that put ourselves in communion with the divine spheres.

It is the balsam that cures our interior sores.

It is a temple where in sweet intimacy we will find peace and shelter.

To the shadows of our soul, the prayer will always be the free liberator, full of renovation and light.

It is important to cultivate an unshakable faith on the soberness laws that rule life, the ones that Sublime Galileo brought with him as news.

It is necessary to pray, even if our prayer is a simple one. It should be guided by feelings.

*  *  *

Through prayer, you will get to the Lord who gave you, in the prayer, a secure communication mean with the infinite goodness of God, in the midst of what you will nourish your afflicted spirit...


Spiritist Moment Team based on a story written by an unknown author, and thoughts from the entry Oração, from the book Dicionário da alma, by various Spirits, psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, ed. Feb and the entry Oração, from the book Repositório de sabedoria, v. 2, by Joanna de Ângelis Spirit, psychographed  by Divaldo Pereira Franco, ed. Leal.
February 07.2011.

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