Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 05 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Singing voice

We have seen her, one of these days. And we have heard her. It was a free concert, promoted by an espiritist praiseworthy institution.

She entered the stage and the audience became mute. She has been announced as a soloist in some famous operas and as having valuable works with vocal technique. Her résumé was long, impressive, and the master of ceremonies was keen to praise it in details.

With a smile in her face, she received the light of the spot-lights. Nothing, in her appearance would show any sadness, any physical effort.

She walked towards the front of the stage, supported by her crutches. Stood herself, looked to the maestro and opened her mouth. And she sung... with her soul, mind and heart.

The flute which she had clamped on the neck was thrown in harmonious ticks.

The sacred song that has sprang from her lips sent us to Bach that, one day, said: The only point of every song must be the glory to God and a pleasant recreation.

To him, music was an act of worship, as if the notes, after leaving the range of human hearing, kept going up into the sky, as a hymn of praise.

While she thrilled the crowd of just over four hundred seats, with sharps and flats, we were thinking of how many of us consider ourselves useless, for suffering from slight visual impairments, for having difficulty on walking faster, because we need to put a prosthesis of this or that nature.

But Liane, the soloist, is an independent woman. In her adapted car, she goes around and around everywhere.

She is a graduate student in music in the area of Cognition, Philosophy and Music Education, Singing Solo and Choral singing at the Degree Course in music of Arts College of Parana.

And she sings, smiling. It touches people´s souls. She projects her voice, praising life, the Divinity, her gift.

*  *  *

An example of life. An example about how life must be lived in its totality, it doesn´t matter the conditions.

Difficulties exist to be overcome. For the Spirit to show that he is the captain of the body, the director of life.

It is the Spirit that decides the type of life he wishes. That is why, there are those who feel frustrated, less endowed and give themselves to the care of others, in total dependence.

And there are those who idealize to themselves the overcoming and surprise the people for their achievements.

These people win, after all, and become happy ones. Many times, they become creatures that make many others happier.

And when you see them singing, teaching, painting, creating, do not even see the person has this or that impairment.

They are examples of tenacity, perseverance.

Let´s follow their example, strengthening in us the desire to study, learn, create, always growing.


Spiritist Moment Team, based on the life of the opera singer Liane Guariente, who lives in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
February 28.2011.

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