Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 08 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Assessment Time


At the end of each financial year and the beginning of a new one it is inevitable for companies to examine their results in relation to the established investments.

Revenues and expenses presented face to face result in a balance that reveals either the executive success or failure.

With regards to the moral economy, it is essential to make an assessment of one's achievements at the end of each period.

It is essential to assess how well one is going and to plan for the next step.

*   *   *

Minutes go by, generating hours.

Days go by setting up months.

Years pile up and time structures change.

Whoever knows Jesus is invited to invest in the divine safe of love, depositing  the coins that wisdom brings up in the shape of a wider enlightenment, through resignation, charity, forgiveness and hope.

Unavoidably, from time to time it is necessary to compare what was accomplished in relation to the plan in order to measure the performance throughout the occurrence of given situations.

Let us do an assessment today, either at the end or beginning of the experiment.

Given the presence of mistakes, let us be ready to correct them.

Wherever there is success, let us be ready to multiply it.

For the success achieved, let us apply it in favor of the commonwealth.

Once failure and suffering have been detected, let us bless the pain and difficulty that should provide us with impetus and encouragement to move forward.

Nevertheless, let us have the courage to carry out an honest assessment, without excuses, without excessive intransigence.

*   *   *

Assessment time is serious time.

Let us pause for reflection with the courage to undress ourselves before our consciousness.

The aid from the loved ones around us is so precious, once sometimes our self-assessment may be blurred by imbalance or experienced trauma.

Asking others for feedback on how they saw us during a given period of time is quite valid and suitable.

Their views are to be considered in this great self-evaluation process taking place in our inner world.

Suppose disembodiment surprised us and we were not given the chance to omit, hide or escape from our responsibility towards life, towards the gift of reincarnation.

As an experience goes by a lesson remains.

And learning by learning, the clock of eternity will support our growth towards God and the acquisition of the virtue of peace.


Spiritist Moment Team, based on chap. 8 of the book Alegria de viver by  Spirit Joanna de Ângelis, psychographics of Divaldo Pereira Franco, published by Leal.
March, 28.2011.

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