Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 03 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Different prayer


I wish to make a different request. Everyone is calling for the wronged, for those who thirst and hunger for justice. I pray Thee by who commits injustice.

Everyone prays by the victims of drugs. I beseech Thee, Lord, for those who distribute the drugs and with that enrich.

They are unfortunate creatures that gather fortunes at the expense of lives of others, of homes wrecked. Soon, they will have to respond to the Divine Law by all the misfortune that they are cultivating.

Many are asking for the orphans and the widows. I pray Thee, Lord, for those who have left the children without a father and the women without a husband, because all who spread the evil,soon will face the judgment of their own conscience.

Everyone vie for mothers who have had the lives of their children mown down in the prime of youth, by the arm of killing violence. Those mothers who grieve the absence of the children who were all their joy.

But I, Lord, beseech Thee by the hearts of mothers who have their children closed in prisons. For those that received them in the arms, breastfed them and imagined a thousand dreams of venture and saw them all shattered.

I ask Thee, Lord, by the mothers who suffer from hearing many highlight their sons of bandits, criminals, men without soul.

Many vie for those who suffer from hunger. I beg You by those that cause it. For those who, having their storehouses overflowing, keep the doors closed, hoping that the price rise, that the market gets better so they will be able to win larger sums of money.

Everyone asks in favor of those who have no access to medicines, hospitals, exams and dignified proper.

I beseech Thee byall those who make their possibilities of serving others an opportunity to achieve even more coins to add in their bank accounts.

Many extend their supplications to heaven by elderly people who have been abandoned in asylums, in the streets, in the clinics.

I beg You by those who have abandoned the elderly because one day they will reap the exact extent that they are sowing today.

Lastly, Lord, while all make prayers by the unfortunate and wretched, I beseech Thee by those who smile but present their heart in open sore, by those who seem to be winners in the world, but bring in their intimacy the message of frustration, of hate and loneliness.

I pray Thee, Lord, for all who are at the time of unfortunates owing because, in the harvest season, they will suffer immensely by all the thorns they will have to reap.

*   *   *

The first act that should mark the day of the Christian is the prayer.

There is no special formula to pray. A good thought is worth more than a large number of words with which nothing has to do with the heart.

The main quality of the prayer is to be clear, simple, without unnecessary phrases.

Each word must have range itself, wake up an idea, by vibrating a fiber of the soul.

Pray for yourself is a need of the creature. Pray for those who persist in error, is the exercise of loving your similar.


Spiritist Moment Team, with final thoughts from the chapter
XXVIII, item 1, from
O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo, by Allan
Kardec, ed. Feb.

July 31.2012.

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