Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 18 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Remarkable Sovereign

During millenniums He was expected. It was spoken of a powerful sovereign, governor of the stars. A Being, whose power would shake the world.

Men idealized Him covered with richness, surrounded by servants. They imagined that His birth would be reported to all mighty on Earth.

That there would be sounds of trumpets and thunderous announcements. Then, He came. He waited for a day in which the city was full of foreigners and all minds were focused on the issues of their own existence.

He sought a place away, far from the hubbub of people. A stable.

Between the hay, a crib was improvised prepared for Him. And He came to life, having as silent witnesses an ox and a donkey.

Animals that symbolize work and submission.

He chose as father a carpenter, a man of pacific character and strong moral. As mother, a young woman, carrier of rare virtues and unusual wisdom.

As heralds of His arrival had a chorus of heavenly voices murmuring to the simple souls, in the field, the auspicious news: the King arrived.

And the shepherds, leaving their sheep, went to seek the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, as the heavenly messenger had spoken to them.

A birth in the night. A boy who would divide the History of Humanity, who would conquer the hardest kingdom to be found: the heart of the human creature.

In the weakness in which He banished himself, temporarily, He waited patiently for the appropriate time of the sowing for which He had come.

When it was time, He left home and went to gather His followers. He had promised to no one any currency values or social projection.

On the contrary, He spoke of self-sacrifice, perseverance and dedication. He warned that they should expect nothing from the world because He himself was not holding even a stone to rest His head.

Warned about the tireless work to which He was devoted, the same way as the Father who is in Heaven.

He spoke about the afflictions and persecutions that would frighten them, simply for following Him and disseminate His message.

Came to serve, never wishing for Himself any honor or deference.

He found the wounded heart of a widowed mother, leading the body of her son to the tomb and restored it to the maternal affection.

He extended an invitation to a young man full of ambitions, a mistaken woman, a tax collector, a vendor of illusions.

He comforted the afflicted hearts of women who were shedding tears for Him, on the way to the Calvary.

He gave Himself in sacrifice, with not one dissonant note, and dignified death, accepting it in prayers to the Father.

On the date on which His birth is remembered, between canticles of venture and sweet exchange of gifts, our hearts are stacked up, in prayers, praising Him to His Heavenly presence.

And, always with unusual joy, we gather our family around the table, we visit friends, we embrace the colleagues.

All in the name and in tribute to a boy, Heavenly Child, coming from the stars to our still poor and suffered planet of trials and expiations.

Solar King. King of the heavens. Shepherd of souls. Master and Lord. Our Lord Jesus.


Spiritist Moment Team.
March 6.2013.

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