Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 05 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Lessons of kindness

Speak quietly is one of the lessons taught in classes of kindness, that the fifth graders at a school in Germany are required to attend.

The school is located in the city of Bremen and the discipline "Tract, manners and conduct" was implemented after the managers attempted that students should learn to live with more respect - among themselves and with the teachers.

In the classroom, they are introduced to the basic rules of behavior, and trainned  in the use of terms such as "Excuse me" and "Thank you."

When the discipline was introduced in the school curriculum, it generated controversies and became a topic in the press.

The need arose due to the confirmation of a reality that companies were facing for a long time. They observed that young people fresh out of school were unaware of the elementary rules of social interaction.

The president of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Germany said, in an interview, that the youth had excellent technical skills, but could not interact in a civilized manner.

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This situation leads us to reflect on the formation of children and young people today. There is no point to have people with an excellent resume and can not treat each other with civility.

Education is the primary task of the parents. We have an obligation to teach our children the basic rules of social coexistence.

If the child does not learn early, indoors, to deal with manners their own parents and siblings, they will not behave like a civilized individual.

We should care not to leave gaps in the education of our children.

We should be concerned to demonstrate, by example, respect for all those with whom we interact, beginning within our own at home.

Let us put ourselves in the place of others, including our servers and let us not forget that we all like to receive kindnesses.

It is common to justify that the excess of concerns, the anxiety of modern times and the lack of time are responsible for rude behavior.

We should admit that delicacy and education have nothing to do with these circumstances. Unjustifiable behaviors show us that what is missing is the control over our actions and, above all, respect for others.

We can not find natural one act with lack of courtesy.

It may seem difficult to act with kindness in the competitive and individualist world in which we live, but we must not give up our convictions.

It is unfortunate that the expressions Excuse me, Please  and Thank you are being used less frequently.

Often we experience situations in which people act cleverly and circumvent education rules in order to get some advantage or get something faster.

Should we suffer unkindness, let us not engage in these attitudes but move forward giving good example, even if it is through our silence.

Excessive formalities are often dispensable, but mutual respect, consideration and good manners are essential to relationships.

Think about it.

Spiritist Moment Team, based on chapter Gentileza, of
the book
A arte de ser leve, of Leila Ferreira, ed. Globo.
July 24.2013.

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