Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 03 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Talk about God with your child

It was a homework from school, passed to children of six and seven years.

Everyone should, along with parents, to observe the starry sky at night and then represent on paper what they saw and talked through drawings and words.

One of these boys invited his father to help him. Both spent a few minutes looking at the night and talking, enchanted.

How great is this, isn´t son? And look that most of these stars, galaxies and planets, we can not even see without a telescope.

What is a telescope, father? - And the conversation went there.

The boy asked several questions about the size of Jupiter, which was about the brightest star and many other things.

And have you ever thought about who did all this, son?

Yes, father, I know it was God. He made all things. The whole Universe.

How about if we put in your homework, along with their drawings of the planets, a question like: "Who made the stars?"

And then,  down there, very big, writing: "God! What about?” Finished the father, super excited - almost wanting to do the task for the child.

No, Dad, I do not want it that way. I want just to leave only the question and make it to my teacher and my friends. - The son´s philosopher vein  was much higher than that of the father.

Alright. Great idea. Leave only the question and you do it in the classroom to see what your friends will say.

At the end of the day, the father wondered how was the presentation of the homework:

So, son, how was it? Did they like it? Asked the question?

Yes, father.

What did they say?


As nothing?

Said nothing, father. No one knew the answer. Just me and the teacher. - The boy finally spoke, full of pride in himself.

*   *   *

Are we talking about God with our children? Even such simple questions as who created the Universe, people, nature?

Will it be that for about six to seven years of life the parents of those children never quoted God that way? Never mentioned a possible Creator - whatever name you may have?

We are not here talking about the mention of God, the common religious, form with its stereotypes, dogmas etc..

No. We reflect in this case on this idea of ??a higher power, a supreme intelligence and reason for all that exists.

Certainly, children need to start questioning about it early, without receiving answers ready, do not want them brainwashed with ideas about the unintelligible Divine figure.

Children need to reflect on their origin, their destination, they need, early on, to understand or remember that we are part of something very big and important.

*   *   *

Talk with your child of God. Not the vengeful God, the God who has preferred people, the God who punishes. This God has no more space these days. We are already mature to understand the Creator differently.

Speak with your child about God showing that we are supported by loving hands always.

Talk with your child of God, inspired by the way that the Jesus mentioned Him: Father.

If our children see in the image of God, a good father, they will create a much more healthy relationship since childhood, and they will be adults who will consider God daily, in a very natural way.

Talk with your child of God.


Spiritist Moment Team.
August 1.2013.

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