Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 09 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone The wonders of the world

A group of students of geography was studying about the seven wonders of the world. At the end of the class, they were asked to make a list of what they thought were considered the seven wonders of the world today.

Although there were some disagreements, the vote rotated around the pyramids of Egypt, Taj Mahal, The Grand Canyon, The Panama Canal, The Empire State Building, St. Peter's Basilica and the Great Wall of China.

When collecting the votes, the teacher noticed that one student was very quiet and had not even turned her sheet yet.

Intrigued, he asked her if she was having problems with her list.

Yes, she replied. I cannot make my list because there are many wonders in the world.

Trying to help, the professor suggested that she showed what she had already written and then, perhaps he and her classmates could collaborate, in order that she may define herself.

The girl resisted a little and wrote: I think that the wonders of the world are:

1. Touching -

2. Tasting -

3. Seeing -

4. Listening -

5. Feeling -

6. Laughing and, finally,

7. Loving.

The room became completely silent.

*   *   *

It is wonderful to observe the exploits of the men. The grandiosity of the pyramids of Egypt that, until today, are a mystery to engineering.

It is thrilling to contemplate the beauty of the Taj Mahal, embodied in tribute to one great love. It is amazing to contemplate the dimensions and millennial work of nature, to elaborate the audacious shapes of Grand Canyon.

It is surprising to find out how men has won the challenge and built the Panama Canal. It is superb to see the magnificence of the Empire State Building, which seems to climb the heavens, toward the infinite.

It is flaring to realize the architecture, the painting and sculpture of St. Peter's Basilica and the gigantic effort of men when building the ancient Wall of China.

However, we would not be able to see any of these wonders without our sense of vision, which we have been given by God. The sounds of the winds that sensually touch the plains would not be detected by us if we did not have our sense of hearing.

And what can we say about the sense of taste that allows us to differentiate the tasty fruit, the cereals which enrich our table and all other delights that form the daily meals, in its great variety?

And our ability to smile, overstep the joy that flows, resulting from our condition of beings who have the extraordinary capacity to love?

And, those who love, feel the heart irregularly beat in the mere presence of the loved one, which can be the husband, the father, the brother, the son or a friend.

And the touch that appears in hugs, in hands that are interlaced, that makes us feel, without words, support, security, care, tenderness, affection?

Yes, certainly the human creations are extraordinary and the natural beauty grandiose, however, what God has placed in us, as inherent abilities to every human beings, outshines any other wonder.

*   *   *

Thank God for the heart that was beautifully designed and built to help you in the process of evolution, in the reincarnation steps.

Thank God this majestic work of the heart, day and night, in joy and in sorrow, in work and rest, in pleasure and in sadness, keeping your life.

Thank God for your life, your body, your eternal being that walks progressively toward Him, while you feel, smile, love and ecstasies yourself with the heavenly blessings.


Spiritist Moment Team, based on the text The seven wonders of
the world, from unknown author and chapter 29, from the book Filho de
Deus, by the Spirit Joanna de Ângelis, psychographic of Divaldo
Pereira Franco, publisher LEAL.
April 22.2014.

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