Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 03 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone My brother, my idol

I still cannot speak... Not through the traditional languages of the world, but I think you understand me, don't you?

I think you understand, when I watch you with attention, running around me, and my eyes sparkle, my smile is born and my laughter resounds all over the house.

Only for you I smile like this because, somehow, I think I remember you, and this memory brings me peace, brings me security,  me joy.

Yes, joy. You have taught me so much about it, because I never see you sad. And to know that this new life can be this way, gleeful,makes me much more tranquil in face of the challenges I will have to face.

You are bigger than I am, has arrived in this home before, and I was told that you were there to welcome me when I arrived.

You are big and already talks about so many things! Sometimes do not stop speaking, by the way. I keep trying to imitate you, watching the movements of your mouth, of your face. I think that I am beginning to understand some sounds, although it is hard for me yet.

You jump back and forth and I jump with you.

You dance with the music and I keep just looking at your feet, carefully, to see the funny movements that they do, wondering: Could my feet do the same thing?

I am trying to walk... I have been working hard, because my time is a bit different from the other kids, and you are my greatest inspiration, because you have got a way to walk that is very funny and fast.

And you have patience with me... You do not compare me, do not require of me more than I can do right now. You know that I will be able to do everything, but at my pace. I am not in a hurry.

You pick the videos I like the most, you watch movies with me that you had stopped watching, because they were not for your age anymore. You are calm with me... and I need people to be calm with me.

You do not complain when I almost pull off your hair or your nose, or your ears... You have never complaint because I picked up your toys and threw them up, making a mess in your room.

I think that everybody should have an older brother like you! You are the best! Your batteries last longer than any one of my toys!

And I know that you will not go to sleep without first coming to say good night... I feel it, even when I have already gone to the world of dreams.

My parents said that you will always be by my side, and I believe it, because I feel, in some way, and I cannot explain yet, that I have already heard this before.

My brother, my idol, I wish we can grow together in this new life, holding hands, because holding in your hands, I will have nothing to fear.

*   *   *

The family ties are strengthenedby reincarnation.

The Spirits form groups or families in space, bounded by the affection, sympathy and similarity of trends. Happy to be together, they look for each other. The incarnation only separates themmomentarily, because, after their return to the period between lives on Earth, they meet again as friends who returned from a trip.

Sometimes, some follow others in the incarnation, gathering in the same family, or in the same circle, working together for their mutual progress.

The more advanced seek to help advance those who are late.

Each time less linked to the material stuff, their affection is more alive, and so more pure, and it is no longer disturbed by selfishness, nor by the entrainment of passion.

They may, thus scroll through anunlimited number of body existences so that nothing affects their mutual affection.


Spiritist Moment Team, with final thoughts of item 18,
chapter 4, of the book
O Evangelho segundo o Espiritismo,
by Allan Kardec, publisher FEB.
April 28.2014.

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