Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 03 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Paying reverence to life

In these days in which we hear about so much violence...

In these days in that watching television pictures of a marathon, we are surprised with scenes of destruction and death, due to explosions of bombs…

In these days in that, sometimes, it seems that men have forgotten that he is a spiritual being, who was created and is sustained by love…

In these days in which men seem to have gone through paths of hate and foolishness, we see that the largest investment must be directed to the education of children.

Yes, to the new generations that are now emerging, full of ideas of goodness, beauty and love. 

We can just look at the eyes of these little beings to discover the brightness of the stars and the mystery of the ennobled souls.

And there are so many on Earth, spread across the five continents, speaking different languages, moving in the midst of various cultural expressions, but with feeling in common: the love.

Love that is expressed in the most unusual ways. As the eight-year-old girl who saw her classmate, at school, kill a butterfly.

Seeing the life of such beauty ruined, a life that did nothing more than embellish this immense world of God, with its colors and its graceful flight, made her take a decision.

On pieces of paper, she drew the winged being that had just perish and wrote in the front: S O S butterfly. On the back, in large letters: Save the nature.

And went out to distribute her little notes by the school.

When knowing the fact, we remembered the great prophet of jungles, Albert Schweitzer and the reverence for life. 

            Reverence for life that was related to all and any life: the human life, in first place, with no doubts, but also the animal life,  and even the plant life.

He wrote that a man is truly moral only when he helps any life in that he can and when he avoids harming any living thing.

Does not ask to what extent this or that life deserves his interest and sympathy, if it has or does not have value, nor asks whether and to what extent it is able to react.

Life as it is, is sacred. A man like this does not rip the leaves of the trees nor the flowers and takes care not to crush an insect.

If, in the summer, he works in the light of a light bulb, he will keep the window closed and breathe the stuffy and hot air, so he will not see insects and more insects fall with their wings nipped.

If he goes by a street after a downpour and sees a worm left on the sidewalk by the water, he knows that soon it will be toasted by the sun, if it cannot get to the land in which it can have shelter, so he picks it up from the deadly rock and places it on the grass…

He is not afraid to be laughed at for being a sentimental. The fate of all truths is to be an object of derision, before being recognized by the masses.

The essential thing is that the man never let his sensitivity to become weak or stiff, or lose the tenderness to everything that lives.

Reverence for life! Let us embrace this cause.


Spiritist Moment Team, based on a fact
occured in a school in the capital of Parana, in April 19, 2013 and
in chapter XIV, item 2, from the book
 O profeta das selvas – vida e obra de
Albert Schweitzer,  by Hermann Hagedorn, publisher Alvorada.
August 28.2014.

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