Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 03 de Maio de 2024
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ícone The neutrality of the means

Centuries ago mankind was afraid of progress because it was believed that it could create uncontrollable situations.

It was believed, for example, that men could be subjugated by their own inventions - for this reason Science fiction movies became blockbusters.

Many people were against technological progress for being afraid that robots or other man-made creatures could strike against mankind.

For being a natural law that rules us all progress is unstoppable and by trying to break its cycle we are at risk of being run over by its gigantic wheels which we can't stop.

Nowadays, as technological progress is present in almost all areas of knowledge one can clearly notice that inventions and discoveries are not by itself problems, but rather a neutral phenomenon.

It is an ethical problem, as users of such discoveries are often morally inept to use them reasonably.

The research that led to the creation of the atomic bomb certainly did not focus on the destruction of human lives. It was those who made use of it for such goals who misused knowledge that was neutral in its essence.

The several means of communication invented over time are essentially neutral; they can either be used to save lives or to annihilate them, depending on the moral values of those on control.

The possibilities offered by the Internet nowadays are also neutral. However, the way people use it can be hazardous.

While some utilize it to shorten the distances for the exchange of information for the greater good, others use it to broadcast miseries kept in their souls.

Whereas some make available enriching knowledge and messages of comfort and hope, others teach how to make bombs, terrorism, corruption and many other moral trashes with which they feel pleasure.

Personal capabilities are also used according to the moral values of each individual. While noble men use their intelligence to make lives better, others use it to kill, to corrupt, and to destroy them.

As we can see, means do not cause damage to society by themselves; damage comes from the way means are employed by men.

When humans learn how to link their moral values to the progress of knowledge, these negative effects will disappear altogether with the causes that produced them.

God, who coordinates all with His perfect and immutable laws, will guide us in adapting to new discoveries, as every tree planted by Him will not be torn apart.

Development is a good tree and will give fruits. And the bad one that uses development to spread itself will be torn apart, as it was not planted by God.

Even if it takes time, everything will happen as the greater plans of the Divine.

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The Divine Laws apply to everything we think and do.

Sooner or later we will be held responsible for all our actions.

That is why idiocy exists. The bad use of intelligence can harm noble parts of our brain which in our next existence will form our body with such sequels.

Spiritist Moment Team.
March 30 2009.

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