Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 03 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone The spice of life

It is said that, many years ago, has lived a sage who was followed by numerous disciples.

Once, because he was facing countless difficulties, one of these disciples went to look for him, in order to get advice.

Master, I am suffering, said the young man. I already see no solution to the problems that beset me. I need your help.

Well, replied the master, gentle as always. Walk with me to the kitchen.

The two went on, talking, and the disciple let the master be aware of his difficulties.

Next, the master asked: My young, bring me the container in which we store the salt.

The young man promptly obeyed and handled the sage what he asked for.

Having in his hands a glass full of water, the master said to the disciple: Now, take a generous handful of salt and mix it in this glass of water. Then, I want you to take a big sip.

The apprentice, unwillingly, followed the instructions.

What about the taste? Questioned the sage.

Bad, very bad! Replied the disciple, frowning the face.

Well, continue to walk with me. We shall go to the lake.

And once again they both went on walking, side by side, until they reached the lake.

The master had brought the container with salt and, near the margin, he said to the disciple:

I want you to take a generous handful of salt and throw it on the lake.

The young man obeyed and, as soon as he did it, received a new order:

Now get down and take a gulp of water from the lake.

The boy, stooping down, took not only one, but many sips, because that was a very refreshing water.

And now? What is the taste? Did you feel the taste of salt? Contended the master.

I did not, in any way! On the contrary, this water was able to kill my thirst! He then replied the disciple.

The difficulties that we face in life are as a handful of salt diluted.

If you have your difficulties in hands and dilute them in your selfishness, you do the same as diluting salt in a glass of water and, thus, they become difficult to overcome.

On the other hand, he continued, if you dilute them in your ability to learn, it is the same as diluting the salt in the lake and the problems cease to exist.

There will remain only, concluded the master, the lessons that each difficulty carries with itself and that are responsible for making us grow on the path of progress.

*   *   *

Many are those who extract from the problems and difficulties only suffering.

If we catch a glimpse on the panorama of our disappointments with the eyes of pessimism, selfishness or pride, we will always have reasons to complain of our luck.

On the other side, if we contemplate such a scenario with awareness that no pain is eternal and that every difficulty is a redemptive opportunity, such as the tumble that sometimes hurts, but that teaches to best walk, we shall never complain again.

First, we will thank the Lord of Life for one more lesson...

Think about it... And think about it now!


Spiritist Moment Team, based on
a story of unknown author.
November 24.2014.

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