Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 18 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Resemble to children

Presented to Jesus some little children, in order that He touched them. And as His disciples rejected with rude words those who presented them, Jesus saw this and rebuked them and said:

“Let the children come to Me, do not hinder them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

I say to you, in fact, that every one that does not receive the kingdom of God as a child, will never enter it.

And having them hugged, He blessed them with His hands upon them.

*   *   *

The passage narrated by Mark in his Gospel is of profound beauty, and has one of the highest points on the lesson of Christ.

Why does Jesus promise the kingdom of heaven to those who resemble to little children?

Did not He identify, there, in those bodies of children, reincarnated Spirits, returning to the stage of Earth with their challenges, their scars, their struggles, as well as any other being?

Of course He did. Then, what did Jesus mean by this?

The Master educator spoke of being a child in itself, the period of childhood, of the time in which we are all innocent, humble and adaptable.

He spoke of the purity of the little ones, who have not yet had time to submit to vices, who has not yet learned the malice nor the excessive complexity of adult behavior.  

Simplicity. The life of a child is simple, and Jesus was there exalting the simplicity in life as motivator for us to launch this intimate happiness, kingdom of heaven in the heart.

A child is content with so little… Appreciates the small things, does not have vanities, is not hidden and not judgmental.

Resemble to children is also seeing the world with joy, with fascination, with no reservations, without unhappiness…  

It is to be lighter. Yes, children weigh much less than adults.

It is to be lighter in the attitudes, concerns, in the excessive attachment to things.

The idea of child of Jesus is the opposite of the idea of old, not in the sense of elderly, but meaning of someone who does not change their opinion, which does not alter their behavior, that does not give anything in this world.  

Old is who allowed themselves to get bitter along the way. Child is the one who breathes joy and gives new chances to him or herself and to others every day.

*   *   *

My tired sight… My sad frown...

I harvested by the sidewalk, ray of sunshine that persists

I miss the child I once was,

Desire, longing, of a river that no longer flows.

There will be returning?

Is it possible to be boy and reawaken?

I open the door of the future and meet the beautiful face of my son.

God made him look like me so that I will never forget about my eternal boy.

I want to be a boy with you, my son! Boy who wants to learn, who wants to listen, who wants to be dazzled every day.

I want to be a boy with you and travel through the Earth once more, as if it were the first time, because children always watch what they like several times, with the  joy and thrill of the first time.


Spiritist Moment Team, based on
the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10,  versicles 13 to 16
and on the poem
 Quero ser menino contigo,
by Andrey Cechelero.
January 7.2015.

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