Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 19 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Love experiences

How is it like to live a marital union for half a century? And what can we say of those that exceed half a century living together, which continue together decades more?

An American photographer felt attracted by couples who live decades together. She resolved, not only eternalize them in her photos, but also collected testimonies of some of them.

The pictures are deeply touching. All of them demonstrating the mutual affection, care, after so much time that has elapsed. Holding hands, a passionate kiss, pillow talk, a hug.

What is the secret of these long marriages? Well, says one of the photographed, a secret is a secret, and I do not reveal my secrets!

Others, not so discreet, talked about the joy of living, for so many years, beside the great love.

A lady said that she was a girl and was having problems in school. She had a paper on music to do and did not how even how to get started.

Her mother suggested that she seek to David because he knew a lot about music. Her hope was that he could write the whole paper for her.

However, he only offered to help her because it was her commitment. She would have to do the paper.

Well, after writing the paper together, he asked her to go to a party of one of his friends from the Army.

It was the beginning of their great journey together. And he is still demanding, until today, said the wife.

These are stories of couples in which the age difference is huge. But, after sixty-three years together, the love remains.

Love made of affection, respect and attention. Love that grows strong within time.

Couples who are aging, but nothing changes in their hearts. The spouse continues to be the first and only love.

Angie, a lady from New York, says: You don’t think about the fact that you are getting old. You don’t notice a small wrinkle here, and that in the other day is a little bigger.

No, this kind of thing just happens. You don't pay attention to this sort of thing.

I mean, you don’t think every day: “My husband is eighty-three years old, he will turn eighty-four. I am married to an old man.

            And I hope that he thinks in the same way.”

What is touching is these couples remembering, with bright eyes and emotion in the voice, the day on which they met. Details from the first date, the clothes they were wearing.

And they keep having dreams. Dream about living a few more years, dream about seeing their grandchildren married. In particular, they emphasize, as happy as they are.

*   *   *

Love always has many stories. Because love is creative, inventive. The love is not repetitive, because every day it uses new dyes to paint the sky of affection and color the days.

Love never dies, nor is shaken. It wins the years, the old age, the illness and the pain. It becomes mature, always offering more tasty fruits.

Love is an extraordinary force, renews without cease and enriches at the same time one who gives and one who receives.

The conjugal love is one of the human expressions of Divine love.

Think about it and allow yourself to live the love intensely.


Spiritist Moment Team, based on notes from the website and sentence from chapter XXV
 from the book
O problema do ser, do destino e da dor,
 by Léon Denis, publisher FEB.
February 23, 2015.

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