Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 03 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Before the year that is coming

Today is the first day of the new year, which was welcomed with fireworks and great  joy.

Although the difference in hours, the whole planet is involved with its arrival which, in many traditions, is represented as a baby, while the old year says goodbye, withered, tired.

With the New Year resurges the hope of the creatures who plan the best for themselves, for their family, for the sake of Humanity.

There are those who plan to get married, starting a new family.

There are those who idealized the acquisition of their own house,  thinking about how they can turn it into a cozy home: garden, flowers, bushes, bright lights, a special place.

And there are those who think about their child, whose birth envision for the next few months.

Some plan the realization of University courses, of graduation, of post-graduation, specialization.

Others think about the trip abroad, which has been for a long time dreamed and awaited.

Well, the dreams are multiple. Each being has its dream and the plans to achieve them. New Year is the opportunity to do so. It will be new days, new chances.

Who is experiencing illness of any order, thinks that the new days shall bring their health back. Perhaps, a new drug that is being taught produces the desired effect. Who knows a treatment will emerge, bringing the cure for their problem.

And thus, the anxieties, the dreams keep moving forward, reaching hundreds, millions, in an incredible diversity.

However, among the many compliments, joys, greetings for the new year and dreams, it would be important to also think about spirituals terms.

Think about how we can improve our way of being. How we can become closer to that person we once had problems with, that established the detachment, so long ago…

Think about forgiveness, even if we have not been the direct cause of the quarrel.

Think about how we can become something more, enriching our intellect and projecting purposes of improving our interior.

New Year means renewal. And the renewal must be broad, covering the whole that we are: body, mind and Spirit.

Let us, therefore, aims to be more understanding, more patient, more tolerant.

Be more reasonable, apologizing, trying to understand the other, their way of thinking, their reason.

And, important, planning moments of reflection, in order to have a meeting with yourself, once in a while, at least.

Plan renewing actions of to work on for the good. A subscription to a voluntary work, even if it is once a week.

Plan to live more intensely each hour, each moment, proposing yourself to the observation of the surroundings: the exuberant nature, the beneficial sun, the blessed rain, the refreshing wind, the flower that blossoming.

Also of those who surround us, each day, every day and are waiting, for so long, that we look them in the eyes, that we see the expressions on their faces, the joys and sorrows: our parents, spouses, children, loves…

Let us begin the new year with the provision of being better, collaborating with the deployment of the New Era. Let us make the difference, where we are and for those who we are with.

The better world can start now in our heart and tomorrow spread in benefit of those who share with us this immense home called Earth.

Let us all have a Happy New Year, in the millennium that only mumbles the first hours.

Spiritist Moment Team.
March 2.2015.

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