Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 03 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Music for the soul

He name is Jorge Bergero. He is a cellist of the orchestra of the Colon Theater, in Buenos Aires.

But, definitely, his most important role and the most extraordinary lesson he gives the world is what he performs as president of the Civil Association of Music for the Soul.

Started in Argentina, with only ten musicians, today, it has more than two thousand and five hundred and has extrapolated the borders of the country.

It has already reached Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Ecuador, Italy, France and Israel.

The purpose is to play classic music in hospitals and places where there are elderly people hospitalized. The goal is to bring the music to those who are far from it and to cheer everyone up.

Watching the videos that show these artists performing in hospital rooms and corridors is thrilling.

Patients retained in beds, with almost no mobility, raise their arms and accompany the rhythm of the songs, as if they were authentic maestros.

Some of them try to accompany the tenors and sopranos, in the execution of parts of the opera.

The project was inspired in Jorge´s girlfriend, Maria Eugenia Rubio, an incredible flautist and, according to him, very beautiful.

Beautiful body and soul. A wonderful smile.

In 2008, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and, as the disease progressed, it became increasingly difficult for her to continue to perform her instrument.

While hospitalized for treatment, Jorge and his friends decided to bring music to her and to the other patients in the hospital.

The project Music for the Soul was born there. And they figured out how well that worked. It created magical moments, unequaled for the hospitalized people. Some remembered of happy moments in their lives.

And the musicians, when they concluded their performance, because they were feeling immensely happy, asked themselves: When will our next concert be?

In December 2011, Eugenia left. In the name of his love for her and for music, which Jorge describes as the very oxygen for his life, he continued with the project and even expanded it.

Today, there are about seventy to eighty concerts held, per year.

And what is great is to see honored in this way the memory of a great love, inspiring source of the initial work.

When so many of us, before the death of a loved one, isolate ourselves and even give up living, the Argentine musician continues to smile and make others smile.

In the name of love. Of a great love, which he multiplies with his actions.

What great benefits he spreads, besides, by his example, have snatched so many other equally idealistic musicians.

Professionals who, regularly, leave stages, their gala outfit to mingle with the suffering people, and offer them the best of themselves: the execution of classical pieces with their musical instruments or the impeccable modulations of their voices.

*    *    *

In the midst of so much pain, the complex situations involving nations, while many discuss military, political and governmental strategies, ordinary people spread their seeds of joy and love.

People like you and me, people who want to embrace their neighbor and do it with the better of themselves.

Let us think about it: What can we do to make someone´s life better?

Spiritist Moment Team.
October 16.2018.

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