Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 08 de Maio de 2024
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ícone Divine Engine

The Itaipu hydroelectric power station, located at the border of Brazil and Paraguay, is an exceptional engineering workmanship.

Next to the Golden Gate Bridge and the Eurotunnel, it is considered one of the seven wonders of the modern world.

The challenges faced to construct it were huge:  deviating the stream bed of the river, constructing the barrage, preserving the fauna and flora.

Millions of tons of concrete were used. As a matter of fact, it was enough concrete to build 210 football stadiums the size of the Maracanã.

Concrete and cement. Several turbines were built, and each turbine has the capacity to generate enough electricity to supply a city of one and a half million inhabitants.

The Curitiba-Paranaguá railway track is another bold engineering structure, where mankind challenged abysms and won mountains.

Men stretched bridges to unite extremities, exploded rocks to penetrate the intimacy of the mounts.

The railway is 110 kilometers long, and along it 13 tunnels go through compact rock.

Any person taking this railway trip will not be able to ignore the extraordinary engineering task, inserted in the beautiful natural panorama of the Serra do Mar.

Two great engineering constructions, bold from their conceptions, providing magnificent benefits.

Both broke the barrier of the years, demonstrating that the ones who conceived them were thinking big, much ahead of their time.

Why would someone build a hydroelectric power station with such power of electricity generation? What will be done with all that?

Why would someone face the rock, the abysms, to construct a rail track? Don’t we already have the magnificent Graciosa Road?

These were the questions raised by the ones who thought only about the present.

They did not think big.

But genius are like that, they surpass time, they idealize, they think big.

Thanks to them, progress keeps going, bringing benefits to civilization. If mankind can present such geniality, imagine the Creator of mankind.

That is why open minds do not get tired of asking: Who lights the stars? Who pulls the mantel of evening? Who wakes the sun up and suspends the moon in the sky?

Yes, we are talking about children. These incomparable human beings, who do not get tired of making questions, questions which do not even cross the minds of grown-ups.

And, genially, they do argument much farther than the ones who wander here on Earth believing to know it all.

To the questions about the World, the Universe and all the things which seem incomprehensible, the knowledge of the mothers have one word: God!

Yes, God is the creator of all things. The Supreme Intelligence of the Universe. The love which generates everything that exists, He is Our Father.

It is Him Who does not stop creating. Who does not get tired of inventing more marvellous things, so that mankind does not stop researching, wondering, discovering.

So that we use the intelligence He gave us to grow up and illuminate ourselves, as stars that enrich the firmament.

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A poet wrote that, when he was six years old, enchanted by the sea and the winds, he asked his mother:

What could be bigger than the ocean, and stronger than the wind?

As he recalls, his mother looked at the sky, smiled and said: A being we cannot see. He is bigger than the sea we fear. He is stronger than a typhoon, my son.

He is God!

The poet is called Casemiro de Abreu.


Text written by the Spiritist Moment Team, using the final verses of the poem “Deus” by Casemiro de Abreu, written in December 1858.

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