Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 05 de Maio de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone Enjoyng life

        Do you enjoy your life?

        It is very common to hear people, particularly youngsters, saying they want to enjoy life. People usually use it as an excuse for exempting themselves from their responsibilities.

        After all, what does enjoying life mean exactly?

        To some people, it means slowly killing themselves with food excess, alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs.

        To others, it means taking risks by practicing dangerous sports, taking part in orgies, and consuming themselves in carnal pleasures.

        Maybe that happens because we do not understand why we are living on this planet Earth, and thus we prefer to waste our lives instead of truly enjoying them.

        Once there was a young fellow who worked in a local council office who was invited by his colleagues to join them in one of their daily happy hours, when they used to drink and smoke as much as they liked.

        He thanked them and said he did not drink nor smoked. The others laughed at him and asked if it was because of his religion, to what he answered: “It is my intelligence that does not allow me to do it.”

        “What kind of intelligence is that as you cannot enjoy life?” asked his colleagues.

        The young man calmly answered: “What makes you think I would spend the money I earn to poison myself?

        You consider yourselves so smart, but you are actually paying to ruin your health and therefore shorten your lives. I think my life is far too precious for me to do that.”

        Looking at things from this point of view, we could consider that enjoying life is to give it the right value.

        It is to invest the precious moments that God give us in noble and useful activities.

        When we spend our time in the intimacy of our families, we are enjoying life.

        When we exercise, entertain ourselves with healthy leisure activities, we are giving our lives a true value.

        When we study, work or go for a walk instead of indulging ourselves with drugs or any other sort of ephemeral pleasure, we are enjoying life in an intelligent way.

        When we truly enjoy something, we make any kind of effort to keep it. The same thing happens with life. It is a big mistake to believe we are enjoying it while we are actually ending with it. Our attitude towards life should be positive.

        If you agree with such idea, you should stop and reflect about what the real meaning of life is.

        If you believe viciousness will spare your existence, go see someone who is saying goodbye to life because of a lung cancer, provoked by cigarettes.

        Talk to someone who has no more physical power thanks to hepatic cirrhosis caused by alcohol.

        Listen to the glutton that is trapped in the prison of pain caused by the excessive food ingestion.

        Go see the unhappy ones who have lost their freedom because of drugs and are slowly ruining their health.

        Observing life from this point of view, you might change your idea of “enjoying life.”

* * *

        “Life is a poem of beauty in which the verses are made of illuminated proposals, written in nature’s composition that praises its presence everywhere.

        Consequently, the physical existence opportunity is a portrait of enchantment and conquests. Throughout this learning experience the Spirit makes itself beautiful and reaches the high stages of a happy reality.”

Spiritist Moment Team, based on the chapter Alegria de viver, of the
book Vida:desafios e soluções, by the Spirit Joanna de Ângelis,
psychographed by Divaldo Pereira Franco. Publishing house: Leal.

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