Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 27 de Julho de 2024
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ícone About Angels

The word angel usually evokes the idea of moral perfection.

It is usually applied to all beings, good and evil, which do not belong to humankind. One can say: the good or the evil angel, the light angel and the dark angel.

This expression is often found in the Bible. Sometimes, it means humans acting as messengers, ambassadors and prophets.

The most frequent use of this word applies to creatures existing before the creation of the world, but also created by God.

They are distinguished from men by their intelligence, wisdom and power.

Some critics say the idea of angels replacing gods is the product of the influence of Israel's neighboring countries, especially Persia.

This is how they appear, in biblical descriptions, speaking to men in our own form and language. And they are shown with hierarchic degrees among them.

In the New Testament, it can be observed that references to angels are less frequent than in the Old Testament.

The existence of human beings acting as God's messengers to mankind is thought to be true in non biblical religions as well.

This is how we see descriptions of angels in the mahométisme, in the greek and oriental mythologies and in some forms of buddhism.

The Koran is extraordinarily rich in references to angels.

Spiritism teaches us that angels are beings created like every other Spirit.

Once they have passed through all the degrees and muster all the perfections, they become pure Spirits.

Since there are such Spirits who have reached this category far before mankind was created, men assumed they had been created like that, perfect.

Among angels, there are those who dedicate themselves to protection: these are the guardian angels.

They are always superior to men and are there to advise, support, help in the steep climb of the mountain of progress.

They are stronger and more devoted friends than the most intimate connections that can be found on Earth.

These beings are there ordered by God, who put them beside men. They are there because of His love.

They perform a beautiful and yet very painful mission together with men.

Be it in prisons, hospitals, lairs of vices, or even in solitude, they are always by their protégées'side.

It is from them that our soul receives the sweetest impulses and wiser advices.

They help us in moments of crises.

For those who think it is impossible a truly noble Spirit to be restricted to such a troublesome task at every moment, it is good to remember that they can influence us from a million miles away.

For them, space does not exist. They can be living in other worlds and keep the connection with their protégées.

They have abilities we cannot comprehend.

Each guardian angel has his protégé and guards him or her like a parent guards his or her child.

The angel is happy when the protégé is walking the right path and cries when his advices are ignored.

The guardian angel is connected to the individual from birth until death and frequently follows him or her after death and even throughout numerous bodily experiences.

For the immortal Spirit, these existences are but short phases in live.

*   *   *

Gregory Magno was the first one to introduce the concept of angelology in occidental christian theology.

With this, besides angels and archangels, two new classes appeared: the cherubs and seraphs, who were never mentioned in the Bible as angel-like beings.

In the New Testament, angels are presented as subject to Christ, the perfect Spirit.

Spiritist Moment Team, based on items 128 to 130 and 489 to 495 of  O livro dos Espíritos
, by Allan Kardec, publishing house: Feb and on the entry Anjo, from the Enciclopédia
Mirador, v. 2, publishing house: Encyclopaedia Britannica do Brasil Publicações Ltda.
July 13 2009.

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