Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 27 de Julho de 2024
title  |  text   
ícone A lullaby for a mother´s heart

When, mother, will sleep peacefully?...


When the war is over;

When the child is older;

When the night dawns;

When cold gives way.


When, will you take a deep breath?...


When fear is gone;

When there is no hunger;

Seed becomes flower;

And the river surrenders to the sea.


When, devoted mother, will your tears dry?...


When evil gives up;

When the yarn ends;

When Gaia feels;

It knows how to love you.

*   *   *

Mother, we are speaking to your heart.

Sometimes your motherhood seems like an ocean of afflictions.

Your body, your health seem to lack the structure to support the burden that such mission carries.

Emotional turmoil, on the other hand, warn that it can bring your flight to a forced landing at any time.

Quiet your heart, woman.

You would not have received such high assignment if you were not able to perform it.

The loving Father knows His children and he specially knows the hearts of mothers.

Do not forsake them. Do not leave them powerless. Do not leave them without answers.

It is important that you connect to Him in prayer anytime whenever possible. An ordinary chat from mother to Father. You will realize that the intuitions will be more abundant. 

Those who receive noble tasks from Divine Providence are equally equipped with special resources.

Find such resources within yourself. Find them in the Spirituality that is present by your side.

Never expect easiness and never compare your home to others. Each family has a commitment, a particularity, and a distinct past history written in the books of time. 

It is also important to remember that the obligations of great value require extreme sacrifice. They require selflessness as its highest standard.  For it they are the ones that make us grow the most.

Do not expect immediate results. Mothers are seeders. They take care of the sowing and not the harvest.

Do not wait for retribution. Good feeds itself. It does not depend on confirmation or recognition from others. 

See, then, between the lines of life and the events, that by giving yourself completely, you are also building in yourself a new being, more mature, more sensitive, who is capable of giving its life for another - something that can be found only in the great souls.

Motherhood will make you know the nuances of love, delicacy of souls, finesse of feelings, only present in worlds superior to ours.

Pain will visit you... It is a fact. And you will know how to place it in a large and comfortable room inside the mansion of your soul, as no one else would ever know how to do.

Nothing in the world is as divine as being a mother, co-creating, giving birth to a being who wants to be new, who needs to be reborn again to continue its journey.

So, dear mother, remain dressed in courage and selflessness.

You are a force of nature. Your heart pulsates at the rhythm of the heart of the planet, our Gaia traveler of the infinite space.

And our Great Father takes care of you in a very special way, every day of your life.

Spiritist Moment Team, based on the poem
Para ninar coração de mãe, by Andrey Cechelero.
April 17.2023.

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