Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 26 de Julho de 2024
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ícone Morning prayer

When another morning arises and the rays of abundant life come to tell us to move forward, I say my prayer.

I thank for the night that belongs to the past now. The night that recovers and the rest for my body machine.

The uncountable reactions, alterations and revolution that happened in my body without me noticing it, allowing the wonder of another awaking. 

I thank for the renovation of the working day, for the renovation of the opportunity to walk down this planet, the school of souls.

I thank for the quick singing of birds, greeting with joy the dawn that repeats itself.

The little winged beings remind us often that we must receive with rejoicing every dawn, making of the first instants of the day a poem to the joy of existing.

I am grateful for those who are by my side over this toil, for knowing that everyone is being taken care of, that everyone is blessed with uninterrupted protection.

The loves who are here, so close. Also the beloved who have already passed through then physical existence and now watch over us from the world of the Spirits.

 Knowing that, much more than a memory of the heart, they are real, living presences, for the soul follows its course in space.

I thank the daily food.

For realizing that nature provides abundance. Also for seeing the hands of the brothers who work incessantly so that food reaches our table in the conditions we need.

And for understanding and feeling that each dawn is a grandiose event, that humbly parades in front of my gaze. Often, insensitive, I make myself small facing so many blessings.

I become an observer and place myself, Spirit that I am, in the posture of an exultant audience, who is moved by sublime music and wants to learn from the symphony they hear.

I make myself small, understanding that there is still so much to discover.

At the same time, I make myself great, felling that I am part of a masterful spectacle.

*   *   *

Father of infinite kindness and justice. Teach me how to be as Your mornings.

Teach me the constant invigoration and ceaseless jubilation.

Teach me to love with the same love that perfumes the new day as it awakens.

Help me to not forget You and me.

Help me to be an instrument of peace on the blessed planet where I find myself.  

Penetrates my thoughts like the morning breeze that might as well be called hope.

Awaken me to the reality of immortal life.

Invade my modest senses and grant them wings.

 Allow each flight to be a consolation for the ones in need, bread for those who are hungry, a smile for those who forgot to smile.

Heavenly Father, may the new day embrace everyone, with the warmth and security of Your strong arm.

May we all be embraced by the certainty that Your Universe wants us well, wants us to be strong and mature. That Your sublime Universe is also our.

We know we have Your signature. Here, somewhere without a place, somewhere without a part. We have Your signature in the love that unites us all.

Stay with us, kind Father!   

Spiritist Moment Team.
July 31.2023

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