Momento Espírita
Curitiba, 06 de Fevereiro de 2025
title  |  text   
ícone What is left from Christmas

When Christmas Day is gone, it is good to think about how we feel. In the weeks which preceded it, our hours are filled with countless concerns.

There are important details, such as not forgetting to give a small gift to a dear friend, a service provider. A message to a distant relative.

Perhaps, putting together a short video, which looks more like a living card, like the magical pictures from the Harry Potter series.

The dinner, however simple, requires a certain refinement. Some decoration, different dishes on the table. Perhaps, those old ones, from grandma, well decorated. Used on special occasions.

We remember the birth of the Celestial Friend. We read some passages about His arrival on the planet. We pray together.

We are enchanted by the decorations in the stores, the shopping malls, and the city. Everything is very brightly lit and, even if people don't realize it, praises the Solar King.

Interestingly, as soon as the date has passed, what happens is a lot of excitement, sometimes much more intense.

Now, we await the New Year, which arrives full of promises and dreams.

If Christmas is about family gatherings, exchanging hugs and gifts, New Year is characterized by travel, by seeking out different places to celebrate the beginning of a new stage.

We must ask ourselves, then, what remains of Christmas. What has been imprinted on our souls, after so many messages of peace and blessings.

What do we keep, in our intimacy, after the days in which, in one way or another, depending on our religious ties, we remember more closely the coming of the Messiah among us.

In these days that follow one another, quickly, like sand slipping through our fingers, what remains in our soul?

*   *   *

May the Christmas celebration have left indelible marks on us. Marks that do not allow us to forget solidarity, fraternity, and compassion.

May hugs between friends and family be repeated many times. May we remember to make declarations of love, daily.

Something that goes from saying I love you, to your boyfriend, spouse, child, parent, friend, to looking into their eyes and thanking them for being present in our lives.

May we praise the great value of the deepest affections to the most tenuous ones, on our journey. May we not wait to affirm their importance when they leave this life.

May we know how to enjoy them, every day, on all days. And may we tell them of their importance.

May we not spare expressions of affection. Let us allow love to blossom within us and bear fruit around us.

*   *   *

May the sweetness of Christmas, with its tenderness, be present every day of the new year.

If, at each Christmas celebration, we strengthen this way of living a little more, in a short time, an immense renewal will take place in this world.

Because, if within the home, among those we choose as friends, we act as we do in the celebrations of the Celestial Christmas, we will certainly transform the face of the planet.

Therefore, may all the days to come be the reprise of the Christmas of peace, fraternity, compassion, and love.

Spiritist Moment Team.
December 16.2024.

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